Detox: Monday

This week I am focusing on detoxifying my body. As the antibiotics fight the bacteria, I wanted to really try and pull out everything. The tea I posted about in my last post has been a great addition to my daily diet! The taste is still awful, but the benefits have been awesome. I have a little more energy and it’s helped a lot with the joint/muscle pain.

Each night, I’ve also been taking a detox bath. I’ve tried numerous bath detoxes before but I’ve found this one to be the most relaxing and most beneficial (and super easy, most of the stuff is in your kitchen!).


  • Ginger (2-3 Tbsp.)
  • Epsom Salt (I keep a mason jar full of this in my bathroom and usually pour 1/3 in)
  • Honey (I usually do about a Tbsp.)
  • Milk (1/2 Cup)
  • Hot water

Each of these ingredients have awesome health benefits. Epsom salt is widely known to help aches / pains / extract toxins. Any bath should always have at least a little bit of it! Honey has antibacterial and antioxidant properties. This is great for any bacteria illness or infection. Milk contains a bunch of good minerals and vitamins (like vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin D, lactic acid, and calcium). Bonus, the combination of both the milk and honey will also makes your skin clear and smooth. 😉 Ginger on the other hand, has been my favorite thing to experiment with so far. It’s great to add in a drink with water, lemon, mint, and cucumbers! In a bath though, ginger makes you feel incredibly hot which opens up pores. Soak for about 45 minutes ~ the toxins leave as you sweat. I love taking this on days when it’s too painful or I’m too weak to exercise. Be sure to keep a large class of water next to you ~ you’d be surprised at how effective this is at pulling out toxins and you’ll wanted to stay hydrated! Directly after the bath, SHOWER. Showering is so important to get all the toxins off your body.

I’ve experimented with a ton of different recipes for detox baths and so far, this combo has been my absolute favorite. With some candles, Netflix, and water by your side ~ it’s so relaxing! After taking the bath though, most people feel really tired and weak. Try to take it when you can nap or sleep directly after. With my insomnia this past week, this has been an incredible tool for me to fall asleep at night!



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